How to Make Pinterest Pins Quickly - Plus Free Templates In Canva

Are you getting traffic from Pinterest? 

If you are not using Pinterest to grow your blog you are missing a great opportunity getting targeted audience and potential leads to your site the easiest way. 

Creating pins is a little blogging task that can be exhausting if you are starting from scratch!

In this post, you'll learn how to quickly make pins in minutes that get clicks. 

This post contains affiliate links. I might get a small commission when you purchase from this site at no extra cost to you. Thank you for your support. 


First Month Blog Plan

12 Month Blog Plan

Pinterest Marketing

Why bloggers, online entrepreneur, and business owners should use Pinterest

- The platform is free.

- One single pin can drive massive traffic to your site or even go viral in just a few days after saving it.

- Your pin is searchable.

- Most Pinterest users are ready to buy.

- It is easy to manage. You can pin manually or use Tailwind to automate your pins. 

Here are a few ideas to quickly create pins that convert

1. Have different headlines ready. 

If you are creating multiple pins for one post, it is quicker if you have created your headlines ahead of time. 

See the examples below:

"How I use my planner to be more productive."
"5 Effective ways to use your planner."
"How to get the most out of your planner."
"How to organize your entire week using your planner." 

2. Have a secret Pinterest board where you can save pins that you like on Pinterest. 

Mine is named "pin inspirations". Whenever I needed a new idea for pin creation I would check this board. 

3. Use pre-made pin templates so you don't have to start from scratch. 

Save the pin templates that getting the most clicks and use it as inspiration for your next Pinterest graphics. 

If you have been using Pinterest for a while, you can check your old pins and replicate the performing ones. 

Review why these pins are converting. It is the pin design? Or the headlines. 

You can check your Pinterest Analytics or Google Analytics to find your performing Pins. 

If you are using Canva to create pins, just edit your old templates and use them for your new posts and contents. 

You can also grab my free Pinterest Pin Templates here

4. Use consistent fonts and colors for your pin designs. 

I always love checking out the Canva Color Palette to use with my pin designs. 

5. Use gorgeous images that express and tell something about your content. 

Using the right image on your pin attracts the right audience and draw their attention to your pin.

Ivory Mix offers free stock photos here.


Pinterest loves new pins and it prioritizes pins saved from your website so make time to check the conversion of the pins in your blog posts. 

If they're not converting well or getting clicks, create a new one and replace them with better headlines and pin designs. 

Check out the 16 Customizable Pinterest Pin Templates here.

I’d love to read your comments. Tell us your best tips for creating stunning pins quicker!

Don't forget to save it on Pinterest for later. 

Looking for group boards to join? Follow me on Pinterest and send me your request to collaborate with my blogging, parenting, productivity, and saving money Pinterest boards. 

Also, read

How to Increase Clicks on Pinterest

How to get Blog Traffic with Manual Pinning On Pinterest

How to Loop Pins With Tailwind


Pinterest marketing tips. Quickly make Pinterest pins fast.


  1. I love your idea for creating a secret board for inspiration! I am going to implement using the call to action button & creating multiple pins per post. Thanks so much for these tips!

  2. These are great tips! I've noticed a big difference with making multiple pins for a post. And Canva is my favorite tool for creating graphics!

  3. Excellent! I should really get on Pinterest for my blog. I've only recently upped my blogging game. Right now, I'm focusing on growing my Facebook, but I really want to get into Pinterest too. It really seems like a great place to get more traffic.

    1. Thank you Rozanne. Grab my free Pin Templates so you can get started asap!
